Month: February 2022

Adult Sunday School class from Sunday February 20, 2011, the Sunday of the Prodigal Son. Fr. Pat is discussing his soon-to-be-published book “The Jesus We Missed.” The discussion is in answer to a question asked the previous week about the limits of what Jesus knew. If/when I find that previous . . . Read more

Homily given Sunday February 20, 2011, the Sunday of the Prodigal Son.
All Saints Orthodox Church, Chicago, IL, Sunday, February 20, 2022. Adult Sunday School. Biblical Economics. Fourth of several classes on the subject. Handouts are below. Handouts: (will open in a new tab)Biblical Economics 4 (All 3 handouts in one PDF) To see audio options, select the three dots on the . . . Read more
All Saints Orthodox Church, Chicago, IL, Sunday, February 6, 2022. Adult Sunday School. Biblical Economics. Third of several classes on the subject. Handouts are below. Handouts: (will open in a new tab)Biblical Economics 3 (All 3 handouts in one PDF) To see audio options, select the three dots on the . . . Read more