Month: July 2022
All Saints Orthodox Church, Chicago, IL, Vespers, Wednesday, July 23, 2022. The text is 2 Maccabees 6:12-31. Fr. Pat also quotes Hebrews 11:35-38. To see audio options, select the three dots on the right side of the audio player.
All Saints Orthodox Church, Chicago, IL, Vespers, Wednesday, June 15, 2022. The text is 2 Kings 14:23-29. To see audio options, select the three dots on the right side of the audio player.
All Saints Orthodox Church, Chicago, IL, Vespers, Saturday, July 20, 2022. The Feast of the Glorious Prophet Elias (Elijah). To see audio options, select the three dots on the right side of the audio player.
All Saints Orthodox Church, Chicago, IL, Great Vespers, Saturday, July 28, 2010. A homily based upon Numbers 27:19-25. To see audio options, select the three dots on the right side of the audio player.
All Saints Orthodox Church, Chicago, IL, Great Vespers, Saturday, July 11, 2009. A homily based upon Hebrews 10:19-25. To see audio options, select the three dots on the right side of the audio player.
All Saints Orthodox Church, Chicago, IL, Sunday, July 11, 2010. The mid-5th century was a time of chaos, war, poverty, decay, and destruction, but the one concern of the Church was an abbott named Eutyches. To see audio options, select the three dots on the right side of the audio . . . Read more

The permanence of the soul, its continued life after death, was not in contention among the early Christians. Indeed, thanks in part to Plato, some form of belief in a spiritual afterlife was quite in fashion in the Greco-Roman culture where the Apostles proclaimed the Gospel. The Apostle Paul, for . . . Read more
All Saints Orthodox Church, Chicago, IL, Sunday, July 23, 2006. Fr. Pat was asked in Sunday School about how to begin praying the Canonical Hours if one has never done so. This was his response. I apologize for the noise in the background. To see audio options, select the three . . . Read more
All Saints Orthodox Church, Chicago, IL, Sunday, July 5, 2009. Fr. Pat shows us how the Roman centurion who comes to Jesus for healing for his servant can be a model to us of how to approach Jesus. The text is Matthew 8:5-13. To see audio options, select the three . . . Read more