Category: Feast Days
Translated strictly, the Greek name of the Feast we call the Annunciation is The Evangelizing of the Theotokos. In other words, when the Church seeks to identify the significance of this feast day, she places her emphasis less on the objective fact of the Incarnation than on the subjective experience . . . Read more
All Saints Orthodox Church, Wednesday, February 1, 2017. The occasion is the Feast of the Presentation of Jesus in the Temple. Fr. Pat spoke on prayer in his homily given three days prior to this one, (January 29, 2017, “Lessons on Prayer from a Syrophoenician Woman”) and he continues that . . . Read more
All Saints Orthodox Church, Saturday, January 29, 2011. January 30 on the Orthodox calendar is the feast of the Three Holy Hierarchs: Basil the Great, Gregory the Theologian, and John Chrysostom. Fr. Pat spoke of these three in this vesperal homily from 2011. To see audio options, select the three . . . Read more
When, at His Baptism, the Father speaks of Jesus as His “Beloved Son,” declaring Himself “well pleased,” these expressions evoke two Biblical texts with which Jesus Himself was already familiar from the years of study in the synagogue. Fr. Pat gave this homily at All Saints Orthodox Church, Chicago, IL, . . . Read more
All Saints Orthodox Church, Chicago, IL, Thursday, January 1, 2014. A New Year’s Meditation To see audio options, select the three dots on the right side of the audio player.
The Christian faith is based on an event that took place in a specific place at a specific time in history; God instructs us through history, and we are to be learners. Fr. Pat gave this homily on Christmas Eve several years ago. To see audio options, select the three . . . Read more
All Saints Orthodox Church, Chicago, IL, Sunday, December 25, 2007. In this homily from Christmas Day 2007, Fr. Pat reflects upon the Incarnation in terms of Christ the Only Holy One, Christ our Mediator, and Christ our Brother. To see audio options, select the three dots on the right side . . . Read more