Online Adult Sunday School April 18, 2021. This is the 26th class in Fr. Pat’s 2020-2021 series on the Gospel of Mark. The series is entitled “Peter Remembers”. Scroll down to see the tab for audio only. Here is the handout for the class. (The link will open in a . . . Read more
In this homily preached the fourth Sunday of Great Lent 2014, Fr. Pat looks at the story of Jesus driving a demon out of a young boy from Mark 9, and makes three observations what this story teaches about faith. This homily was preached on March 30, 2014.
Online Adult Sunday School April 4, 2021. This is the 25th class in Fr. Pat’s 2020-2021 series on the Gospel of Mark. The series is entitled “Peter Remembers”. Scroll down to see the tab for audio only. Here is the handout for the class. (The link will open in a . . . Read more
Online Adult Sunday School April 4, 2021. This is the 24th class in Fr. Pat’s 2020-2021 series on the Gospel of Mark. The series is entitled “Peter Remembers”. Scroll down to see the tab for audio only. Here is the handout for the class. (The link will open in a . . . Read more
This is the 23rd class in Fr. Pat’s 2020-2021 series entitled “Peter Remembers.” This class was given on March 28, 2021 via Zoom. Here is the handout for the class. (The link will open in a new tab.)
This is the 22nd class in Fr. Pat’s 2020-2021 series entitled “Peter Remembers.” This class was given on March 21, 2021 via Zoom. Here is the handout for the class. (The link will open in a new tab.)
Fr. Pat preached at Divine Liturgy on Sunday, March 14, 2021, Forgiveness Sunday. The Reading from the Epistle of St. Paul to the Romans (13:11-14:4)Brethren, now is our salvation nearer than when we believed. The night is far spent, the day is athand. Let us therefore cast off the works . . . Read more
This is the 21st class in Fr. Pat’s 2020-2021 series entitled “Peter Remembers.” This class was given on March 14, 2021 via Zoom. Here is the handout for the class. (The link will open in a new tab.)
This is the 20th class in Fr. Pat’s 2020-2021 series entitled “Peter Remembers.” This class was given on March 7, 2021 via Zoom. Here is the handout for the class. (The link will open in a new tab.)
This is the nineteenth class in Fr. Pat’s 2020-2021 series entitled “Peter Remembers.” This class was given on February 28, 2021 via Zoom. Here is the handout for the class. (The link will open in a new tab.)