Tag: 2011
“She walks in beauty, like the night Of cloudless climes and starry skies;” — Lord Byron On the eve of the Feast of Purim, 2011, Fr. Pat gives a meditation on the name and the character of Esther. To see audio options, select the three dots on the right side . . . Read more
All Saints Orthodox Church, Saturday, January 29, 2011. January 30 on the Orthodox calendar is the feast of the Three Holy Hierarchs: Basil the Great, Gregory the Theologian, and John Chrysostom. Fr. Pat spoke of these three in this vesperal homily from 2011. To see audio options, select the three . . . Read more
When, at His Baptism, the Father speaks of Jesus as His “Beloved Son,” declaring Himself “well pleased,” these expressions evoke two Biblical texts with which Jesus Himself was already familiar from the years of study in the synagogue. Fr. Pat gave this homily at All Saints Orthodox Church, Chicago, IL, . . . Read more

Homily given Sunday February 27, 2011, the Sunday of the Last Judgment. The text was Matthew 25:31-46.

Adult Sunday School class from Sunday February 13, 2011. Fr. Pat continues his discussion of the Fourth Ecumenical Council (Council of Chalcedon) in 451 AD. Look below for a link to the handout. Download the handout for the class here. (The link will open in a new tab.) Fr. Pat’s . . . Read more

Adult Sunday School class from Sunday February 6, 2011. Fr. Pat is discussing the Fourth Ecumenical Council (Council of Chalcedon) in 451 AD. Look below for a link to the handout. Download the handout for the class here. (The link will open in a new tab.) Fr. Pat’s book “The . . . Read more

Adult Sunday School class from Sunday February 20, 2011, the Sunday of the Prodigal Son. Fr. Pat is discussing his soon-to-be-published book “The Jesus We Missed.” The discussion is in answer to a question asked the previous week about the limits of what Jesus knew. If/when I find that previous . . . Read more

Homily given Sunday February 20, 2011, the Sunday of the Prodigal Son.
Sunday, January 23, 2011. Scroll down to see the tab for audio only. Audio Only:
Vesperal homily given Saturday December 3, 2011. Fr. Pat’s text is Ephesians 3:7-13. He also quotes from The Book of Wisdom, Chapter 7, verses 21-28.