Tag: Paul
Fr. Pat compares an event from the life of Xerxes as told by Herodotus in Book 7 of The Histories to a similar event in the lives of Paul and his companions as told by Luke in Acts 16:1-12. All Saints Orthodox Church, Chicago, IL, Wednesday, April 26, 2023. Vespers. . . . Read more
When the Apostle Paul lists faith, hope, and love as a triad of things that abide, he takes care to assert that the greatest of these is love. In this homily from Vespers on January 5, 2014, Fr. Pat examines these three things more closely. To see audio options, select . . . Read more
Paul transforms his prison cell into a hub of missions work. All Saints Orthodox Church, Chicago, IL, Sunday, January 15, 2023 To see audio options, select the three dots on the right side of the audio player.
Fr. Pat spoke to the Adult Sunday School class about how ordinary Christians can (and should!) start a habit of praying the canonical hours, just as the Church has been doing since its inception. This class was given July 23, 2006. To see audio options, select the three dots on . . . Read more

Adult Sunday School class from Sunday February 20, 2011, the Sunday of the Prodigal Son. Fr. Pat is discussing his soon-to-be-published book “The Jesus We Missed.” The discussion is in answer to a question asked the previous week about the limits of what Jesus knew. If/when I find that previous . . . Read more
Homily for Palm Sunday, April 25, 2021. Fr. Pat looks briefly into the testimony of three spokesmen, Paul, Peter, and John, for the apostolic memory with respect to the passion and death of Christ. Scroll down to see the tab for audio only. Audio Only: